Ensure your business is compliant with various industry regulations by letting us evaluate your current program. We'll review and offer suggestions on your current written programs, or create a new one for you.
- Injury & Illness Prevention Plan
- Emergency Action Plan
- Heat Illness Prevention
- Fire Prevention Plan
- Hazard Communication
- Lockout Tagout
- Confined Space
- Respiratory Protection
We provide certifications in the following:
- Hazardous Agricultural Materials DL267 (HAM) - for those who are transporting hazardous materials on public roadways.
- Forklift Training
- CPR & 1st Aid
- Aerial - Boom - Scissor Lifts
- Respirator Fit Testing
Safety Meetings
For high hazard industries such as agriculture safety meetings are to be regular and frequent. At a minimum on a quarterly basis. We understand ag so we are flexible and accomodating. Whether you commit to a complete program or as needed. You decide.
We cover a wide variety of topics to meet your needs. Here are just a few.
- Tractor Safety
- Heat Illness Prevention
- Confined Space
- Pesticide Safety
- Lockout/Tagout
- Harvest Safety
- Pruning Safety
We will also assist our clients with any Cal / OSHA inspection. Which are typically generated from either of the following: death, serious accident, random visit, employee complaint.
We will also provide accident investigations. Ie if there is an accident of any type we come out and perform an investigation as to what happened, why it happened and how it can be prevented in the future. Accident investigations are a required component of a safety program.
Ensuring you get trained on every aspect of compliance from the state to the local level
Providing CPR/AED/First Aid training and certification to individuals and businesses
Drug Testing
You can be sure you're running a comprehensive program that complies with FMCSA regulations.